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Washington Native Bee Society
Monthly Meeting
December 8, 2022 @ 7:30 PM

Will Peterman - Surveying the Course: The Ups and Downs of Counting Bees
December 8th at 7:30pm on Zoom
Will spent eight years monitoring bee populations at weedy sites around the central Puget Sound, most notably at an abandoned golf course off the end of runway 34R at SeaTac Airport. He will be stringing together anecdotes about nets, traps, and boxes full of bees, in the hope that a story about restoration and discovery falls out at the end.
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Dark Bee (Stelis sp.) Image by Joe Dlugo

Will Peterman
Will is a lifelong geek who stumbled into pollination ecology in graduate school, and remained fascinated by native bees even as he was drawn into the attractive nuisance that is the Seattle software industry. He was an early adopter of digital insect photography, and used that as leverage to gain entry into the UW biology community, where he spent a decade learning bee taxonomy and population monitoring techniques from Dr. Evan Sugden.
He is currently trying to establish and maintain a reference collection of the bees of Western Washington, and can be found from time to time assisting with identifications on iNaturalist.
He would like to remind everyone that bees need dirt!