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Washington Native Bee Society

Monthly Meeting

October 26th, 2023 @ 7:00 PM


Karen Wright: Washington Bee Atlas

October 26th, 2023 at 7:00pm on Zoom


The Washington Bee Atlas (WaBA) is a WSDA Pollinator Program project that trains and partners with volunteers to identify and map existing native bee species in every county in the state. Volunteers commit to training and are provided supplies to collect native bees and process the specimens. The WSDA pollinator taxonomist then identifies the bee specimens and provides the data to the public, including researchers, agricultural stakeholders, and conservation groups. We plan several group collecting events each year, but volunteers are encouraged to collect independently as well after they have been trained.


To register, fill out the form below


Karen Wright

As staff at Texas A&M, Karen Wright's research interests included native bees and flower phenology in arid systems, bee systematics and evolution of diet breadth, and phylogenetically informed ecology. Karen contributed data to the renowned book: Bumble Beess of North America. Karen took the State bee taxonomist position back in December 2022 and has been working diligently with partners and volunteers to build, the WA State Bee Atlas.

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