Over 600 Species of Native Bees are found in Washington State
Educate. Advocate. Act.
July - no meeting this month
Enjoy the height of bee season! Find a patch of lavender or fireweed and witness bumblebees in action. Roam the beaches of the Sound or the roadsides east of the Cascades to discover the great variety of bees that use gumweed. Bring a magnifying glass for a closer look at the delicate fairy bees on tall buckwheat. Search for the magical Clarkia amoena flowers and watch the petal cutters skillfully do their work. There's so much happening in Washington State! Embrace the wonders of native bees and uncover the vital roles they play in our ecosystem.
Our Mission
Promoting awareness and conservation of Washington’s native bees and other wild pollinators by building community through education, advocacy, and action
Native Bee Sightings in Washington